Homeowners Are Blown Away by the 4 Cycle Makita Leaf Blower

Whether you are looking for your first leaf blower or a replacement for old equipment, Makita leaf blowers are worth considering.

There are multiple factors when considering this powerful garden tool.

First, it did its job. You may be able to find other cheaper models, but you won’t find a better performing model. If you read the reviews of all the gas tools in this category, the Makita leaf blower will definitely beat the competition.

The second consideration economy. The 4-stroke engine is specially designed to improve fuel economy. Reports from satisfied buyers indicate that they can run power tools longer on a tank of oil-free natural gas than the less efficient 2-stroke comparable products. The engine is also easy to start.

The third is environmental protection. While two-stroke designers are working hard to reduce pollutants in their products, four-strokes are way ahead. Using only gas in the combustion chamber of the engine significantly reduces the impact on the environment. In addition, the motor runs quieter, which reduces noise pollution. Your community will thank you for using such a quiet device.

Next step user-friendly. think about it. Stop mixing natural gas and oil. “Should it be 32:1 or 40:1?” There was no more clutter on the garage floor. Can you believe it – Makita leaf blowers usually only take one or two tries to start.

Finally – the trendsetting courtyard fashion – you look good. It is GQ blue and has a smooth body. Very cool. Okay, this is a little far fetched, but you’ll love the way it’s held in your hand.

Personally, my previous tool happened to be a 2-cycle Echo, which is said to be one of the best brands of lawn products. It works fine, but under no circumstances will it start on the first or second jerk. Often, when it finally started, I was out of breath.

So I took it to the little motorbike man nearby, where the tool man “tweaked” it. After that it rarely worked. When I start, pulling out all the stops is not a substitute. Of course I took it back, but it never worked.

When I ran out of old push brooms, I ordered a new gas blower online… but it was a two-stroke model again. However, just after placing the order, I read about the advantages of the 4-stroke engine, and decided to cancel my order (delivery was delayed anyway) and buy a Makita leaf blower with a 4-stroke engine. What an amazing experience since that beautiful blue beauty came on my porch! I am now a believer.

The Makita leaf blower is lighter, easier to start, quieter and does not give off toxic fumes from a 2-stroke engine. As your next landscaping power tool purchase, it is well worth your consideration.

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