Privacy Policy

Our website is committed to protecting the privacy of photos and personal information on the website. The main purpose of this policy is to inform users who wish to visit our website and download images. This policy also explains how we collect and store personal information. This means that if users are to access the images available on our website, they must abide by this policy. The information collected is stored and processed and can be used for various purposes in the future. From collecting to using personal information provided to us by users, we strive to maintain the highest level of security and protect data.

Collecting data from users

We collect information such as the source from which the user was recommended to us, the user’s IP information, browser details and language, and average visit time. In addition, we also collect navigation data to track users’ search history and the pages they view. By means of this data, it helps us to provide users with the correct services on our website. We use cookies that may collect user data to serve third-party advertisements based on their interests.

We often compare information provided by users with navigation information to provide better services. If users do not want to share personal information, they may not be able to access all the services on our website. Some information is the login details used by the user when registering. Some additional information details are the credit card information provided by the user at the time of purchase. However, users are responsible for maintaining personal information such as login details and should not be shared with third parties. We are not responsible for any breaches of our website. In this case, users will no longer have free access to the images on our website.

information security

When sharing information, users allow us to use it for our service purposes and to provide users with the best information. In addition, data security is our responsibility. But without our permission, users are not allowed to use our content with third parties or they will be punished. When you share your email address for our service, we may enlist the help of a third party to handle the email service.

Please make sure to follow the privacy policy carefully to easily access our services. We have made several links to other websites; it is the user’s responsibility to check the privacy policy of the website before accessing the website, as we are not responsible for any problems.

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